Unleashed is known for building the best digital experiences and products without excuses or exceptions. We earned this reputation by attracting and retaining the best open-source talent from all backgrounds. Helio has a skilled technical mind and years of experience in open-source development, as well as a rich educational and cultural background that allows him to bring a new perspective to many challenges our clients face. Read more about Helio below and all he brings to the table.
1. Why did you go into a development career?
It was a mix of figuring out what I liked, people that I met along the way, and timing of the job market. I always loved computers. I was jumping careers in different industries until I met programmers who encouraged me to follow a path in development at a time when the job market was right.
2. What is your favorite coding language?
I love all the languages equally. But sometimes, I find myself typing JavaScript when working with other languages, so I guess the real answer is JavaScript.
3. How did you connect with Unleashed, and what made it a good fit?
It happened with a recruiter reaching out to me on LinkedIn when I was looking to move up in my career. Great team members and the commitment to deliver the best work were what attracted me the most.
4. What is your favorite part of working at Unleashed?
It is being surrounded by smart and hardworking colleagues that are also good people.
5. Where do you go to learn new code or technology tips?
Pluralsight has been my go-to place to learn new technologies efficiently. Community websites, chats, blogs, and YouTube channels are also my favorites.
6. What is your next career goal?
I don't have a preference right now but being helpful to more people is what will drive my next career goal.
7. How did you get started in computer science and coding?
It all started in 1997 when my family got our first computer with a 14kbps modem. I worked on the LAMP stack mostly as a hobby until 2013, when I finally admitted to myself that I loved coding and decided to build a career on it.
8. How do you deal with work stress?
A clean desk, good music, and a cat are usually enough to keep work stress under control. Whenever I need a boost, I Facetime my parents. That always works.
9. If you could time travel, when and where would you go?
I would just stick to the present moment. Overall, I think this is the best time to be alive.
10. If you could have a wild animal as a pet, what would you choose and why?
If I wasn't constrained by time, location, and money, definitely a wolf. I'm fascinated by their size, intelligence, and their social behavior.